
I’m Still Here…

If you have been reading my blog for any length of time this year, I have regularly updated it for months until recently.

~1 min read

App Review: Cisdem ContactsMate

ContactsMate by Cisdem is a supplemental contacts manager for Mac that can help you clean up duplicate contacts, delete contacts, fix suffixes, prefixes, and unusual character names or just a first name.

2 min read

My Best/Favorite IFTTT Recipes

The above caveat aside, IFTTT remains a significant tool in home and web service automation. It is the glue to the Internet of Things and remains an important part of many workflows, including my own.

3 min read

Todoist Screencast

A look at how I use Todoist. I will probably update this screencast as I have paid for premium and have a new workflow.

~1 min read

OCR Research with PDFPen and Hazel

I have a lot of productivity apps that I use, perhaps my vice. But still, I can get work done quickly and efficiently. Here’s my setup to OCR pdfs I find on the internet and import them automatically to my reference managers of choice.

1 min read
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Review: Calendar 366 for iOS

The champion calendar app amongst nerds is ‎Fantastical 2 and with good reason; the natural language parsing is best in class and the interface is functional. It also offers the best automation of any calendar app available on the App Store.

1 min read

Trello for Project Management

I know I have a BusyContacts screencast to get up and running here– I’ve recorded it but I have to go in and edit it which takes a lot of time. Getting up in running in the university as well as other projects takes a lot of that time.

~1 min read
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3 Years An Apple Fangirl

I have been writing about Apple in some form or another for the past two years. Starting as an app blog for non-traditional students, to moving my work over to The Apple Fancast, then back to my blog. I’ve had this thing running just a fraction of the time of other indie blogs and that’s because I didn’t get my first Apple device until October of 2013.

8 min read

Back to Basics: Apps and Workflows

I wanted to write a quick post on the focus of the blog going forward. Last year, I was inspired by a few of my productivity heroes to write about productivity instead of just apps. I thought it was a perfect opportunity to expand my reach and grow the blog beyond what it had become.

3 min read


I am currently playing with DEVONthink, the 150 hour free trial.

1 min read
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Mac apps

Pick of the Month: Timing 2

When I first came across timing, it was recommended to me by my good friend Nick Lash. We were talking about time tracking apps and his possible employment as an iOS developer for time tracking juggernaut Toggl.

He was thinking of rewriting their Mac app in the vein of Timing.app.

1 min read

Back to Basics: Apps and Workflows

I wanted to write a quick post on the focus of the blog going forward. Last year, I was inspired by a few of my productivity heroes to write about productivity instead of just apps. I thought it was a perfect opportunity to expand my reach and grow the blog beyond what it had become.

3 min read
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app review

PDF to Word Converter for iOS: Review

For businesses and power users who work with a lot of PDFs, converting to and from PDF on iOS can be cumbersome. Going all in on the iPad as a platform means that many people need a powerful app to convert between different formats.

2 min read

App Spotlight: Calibre 3 Beta Now With Retina

You could never chastise me for not reading enough.

I have been reading since I was three years old.

Mom and I weren’t exactly middle class so we would trek to the local library where we’d check out a mountain of books, all of which I’d read in about a week.

3 min read


I am currently playing with DEVONthink, the 150 hour free trial.

1 min read
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YNAB Second Impressions

YNAB, or You Need a Budget in its long form, is a budgeting system and software that helps struggling and even savvy budgeters to reign in control of their finances.

3 min read

Back to Basics: Apps and Workflows

I wanted to write a quick post on the focus of the blog going forward. Last year, I was inspired by a few of my productivity heroes to write about productivity instead of just apps. I thought it was a perfect opportunity to expand my reach and grow the blog beyond what it had become.

3 min read
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I am currently playing with DEVONthink, the 150 hour free trial.

1 min read
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Workflow: Drafts to Trello for Content Management

After watching watching a video on using Trello for an editorial calendarI was pretty excited to start doing so for my two main blogs. Creating and editing Trello cards and lists is a tedious process on iOS and if an idea popped into my head, I wanted to be able to get it down quickly and into Trello.

1 min read

Drafts 4 for iOS: A Worthy Tool

When we think about iOS automation these days, we tend to think about Workflow.app, which is the most powerful and full-featured example of what a talented team of developers can do within the limitations of iOS. It is rightfully the King of Automation on iOS.

4 min read
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Review: Calendar 366 for iOS

The champion calendar app amongst nerds is ‎Fantastical 2 and with good reason; the natural language parsing is best in class and the interface is functional. It also offers the best automation of any calendar app available on the App Store.

1 min read

PDF to Word Converter for iOS: Review

For businesses and power users who work with a lot of PDFs, converting to and from PDF on iOS can be cumbersome. Going all in on the iPad as a platform means that many people need a powerful app to convert between different formats.

2 min read

Back to Basics: Apps and Workflows

I wanted to write a quick post on the focus of the blog going forward. Last year, I was inspired by a few of my productivity heroes to write about productivity instead of just apps. I thought it was a perfect opportunity to expand my reach and grow the blog beyond what it had become.

3 min read
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iPad Pro

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On the Virtues of Dark UIs

I wasn’t a dark mode person. When I was programming in Coda 2 on my Mac when I just started doing it, the UI was white. I showed someone a screenshot of it and they joked, “real programmers use dark editors.”

1 min read

Trello for Project Management

I know I have a BusyContacts screencast to get up and running here– I’ve recorded it but I have to go in and edit it which takes a lot of time. Getting up in running in the university as well as other projects takes a lot of that time.

~1 min read
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IOS 11

PDF to Word Converter for iOS: Review

For businesses and power users who work with a lot of PDFs, converting to and from PDF on iOS can be cumbersome. Going all in on the iPad as a platform means that many people need a powerful app to convert between different formats.

2 min read

Working on iPad Pro: The Beginning

It is no secret in the Apple tech community that people are dumping their MacBooks and working solely on the iPad. Federico Viticci writes solely on his iPad and has several guides on how to do great things with iPad.

1 min read
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Workflow: Drafts to Trello for Content Management

After watching watching a video on using Trello for an editorial calendarI was pretty excited to start doing so for my two main blogs. Creating and editing Trello cards and lists is a tedious process on iOS and if an idea popped into my head, I wanted to be able to get it down quickly and into Trello.

1 min read

Trello for Project Management

I know I have a BusyContacts screencast to get up and running here– I’ve recorded it but I have to go in and edit it which takes a lot of time. Getting up in running in the university as well as other projects takes a lot of that time.

~1 min read
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3 Years An Apple Fangirl

I have been writing about Apple in some form or another for the past two years. Starting as an app blog for non-traditional students, to moving my work over to The Apple Fancast, then back to my blog. I’ve had this thing running just a fraction of the time of other indie blogs and that’s because I didn’t get my first Apple device until October of 2013.

8 min read
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Working on iPad Pro: The Beginning

It is no secret in the Apple tech community that people are dumping their MacBooks and working solely on the iPad. Federico Viticci writes solely on his iPad and has several guides on how to do great things with iPad.

1 min read

3 Years An Apple Fangirl

I have been writing about Apple in some form or another for the past two years. Starting as an app blog for non-traditional students, to moving my work over to The Apple Fancast, then back to my blog. I’ve had this thing running just a fraction of the time of other indie blogs and that’s because I didn’t get my first Apple device until October of 2013.

8 min read
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3 Years An Apple Fangirl

I have been writing about Apple in some form or another for the past two years. Starting as an app blog for non-traditional students, to moving my work over to The Apple Fancast, then back to my blog. I’ve had this thing running just a fraction of the time of other indie blogs and that’s because I didn’t get my first Apple device until October of 2013.

8 min read
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Pick of the Month

Pick of the Month: Timing 2

When I first came across timing, it was recommended to me by my good friend Nick Lash. We were talking about time tracking apps and his possible employment as an iOS developer for time tracking juggernaut Toggl.

He was thinking of rewriting their Mac app in the vein of Timing.app.

1 min read
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On Moving on Up and Smart Homes

I’m sure that you’ve seen that I haven’t posted here for a couple months. In between my internship ending and the abrupt ending of my lease, I have had a pretty stressful couple of months.

1 min read
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new place

On Moving on Up and Smart Homes

I’m sure that you’ve seen that I haven’t posted here for a couple months. In between my internship ending and the abrupt ending of my lease, I have had a pretty stressful couple of months.

1 min read
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smart home

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Workflow: Drafts to Trello for Content Management

After watching watching a video on using Trello for an editorial calendarI was pretty excited to start doing so for my two main blogs. Creating and editing Trello cards and lists is a tedious process on iOS and if an idea popped into my head, I wanted to be able to get it down quickly and into Trello.

1 min read

Drafts 4 for iOS: A Worthy Tool

When we think about iOS automation these days, we tend to think about Workflow.app, which is the most powerful and full-featured example of what a talented team of developers can do within the limitations of iOS. It is rightfully the King of Automation on iOS.

4 min read
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App Store

Apple Shrinks Affiliate Commissions to 2.5%

Apple has shrunk its Affiliate Program commission from 7% to 2.5%. This makes business sense for Apple: Affiliates most likely don’t generate the kind of revenue that Apple would like. It also doesn’t bring as much traffic to its App Stores.

1 min read
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Spark Mail App

Readdle Updates Apps with Drag and Drop

Readdle, maker of apps like Spark Mail App, Documents+, and PDF Expert, has released v6 of their popular iOS apps.

Documents 6 and PDF Expert 6 have gotten a much need facelift.

Inside of these apps, icons are larger and the colors muted to give a more personal feel.

2 min read
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dark mode

On the Virtues of Dark UIs

I wasn’t a dark mode person. When I was programming in Coda 2 on my Mac when I just started doing it, the UI was white. I showed someone a screenshot of it and they joked, “real programmers use dark editors.”

1 min read
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David Hewson on Ulysses Subscription Model

The subscription model only works when the people you are selling to use your app a lot and find it indispensable. This model works for things like professional tools, which is what Ulysses is, and things like Day One, that has recently gone subscription.

1 min read

On the Virtues of Dark UIs

I wasn’t a dark mode person. When I was programming in Coda 2 on my Mac when I just started doing it, the UI was white. I showed someone a screenshot of it and they joked, “real programmers use dark editors.”

1 min read
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Working on iPad Pro: The Beginning

It is no secret in the Apple tech community that people are dumping their MacBooks and working solely on the iPad. Federico Viticci writes solely on his iPad and has several guides on how to do great things with iPad.

1 min read
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David Hewson on Ulysses Subscription Model

The subscription model only works when the people you are selling to use your app a lot and find it indispensable. This model works for things like professional tools, which is what Ulysses is, and things like Day One, that has recently gone subscription.

1 min read
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amazon echo

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apple watch

Apple Watch: Pick of the Month

I finally bought an Apple Watch after watching the space for 4 years. The internship I had allowed me to buy a Series 1 Apple Watch in my newly found color of love, Space Gray. This is my Pick of the Month for February.

3 min read
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Apple Watch

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Automating macOS with iOS and Siri Shortcuts

We can pretty much call Federico Viticci a programmer at this point. He’s become a master of automation in a few short years. This time, he figured out how to script and automate macOS with iOS and Shortcuts. The keys to all this are ssh, Keyboard Maestro, and BetterTouchTool.

4 min read
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90s prog rock metal sludge is my favorite.

~1 min read
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I am currently playing with DEVONthink, the 150 hour free trial.

1 min read
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getting things done

Trello for Project Management

I know I have a BusyContacts screencast to get up and running here– I’ve recorded it but I have to go in and edit it which takes a lot of time. Getting up in running in the university as well as other projects takes a lot of that time.

~1 min read
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Trello for Project Management

I know I have a BusyContacts screencast to get up and running here– I’ve recorded it but I have to go in and edit it which takes a lot of time. Getting up in running in the university as well as other projects takes a lot of that time.

~1 min read
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Trello for Project Management

I know I have a BusyContacts screencast to get up and running here– I’ve recorded it but I have to go in and edit it which takes a lot of time. Getting up in running in the university as well as other projects takes a lot of that time.

~1 min read
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siri for mac

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Back to Basics: Apps and Workflows

I wanted to write a quick post on the focus of the blog going forward. Last year, I was inspired by a few of my productivity heroes to write about productivity instead of just apps. I thought it was a perfect opportunity to expand my reach and grow the blog beyond what it had become.

3 min read
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Apple Shrinks Affiliate Commissions to 2.5%

Apple has shrunk its Affiliate Program commission from 7% to 2.5%. This makes business sense for Apple: Affiliates most likely don’t generate the kind of revenue that Apple would like. It also doesn’t bring as much traffic to its App Stores.

1 min read
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Apple News

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distraction free apps

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Non-Traditional Students

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self-control app

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3 Years An Apple Fangirl

I have been writing about Apple in some form or another for the past two years. Starting as an app blog for non-traditional students, to moving my work over to The Apple Fancast, then back to my blog. I’ve had this thing running just a fraction of the time of other indie blogs and that’s because I didn’t get my first Apple device until October of 2013.

8 min read
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App Spotlight: Calibre 3 Beta Now With Retina

You could never chastise me for not reading enough.

I have been reading since I was three years old.

Mom and I weren’t exactly middle class so we would trek to the local library where we’d check out a mountain of books, all of which I’d read in about a week.

3 min read
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App Spotlight: Calibre 3 Beta Now With Retina

You could never chastise me for not reading enough.

I have been reading since I was three years old.

Mom and I weren’t exactly middle class so we would trek to the local library where we’d check out a mountain of books, all of which I’d read in about a week.

3 min read
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Timing app

Pick of the Month: Timing 2

When I first came across timing, it was recommended to me by my good friend Nick Lash. We were talking about time tracking apps and his possible employment as an iOS developer for time tracking juggernaut Toggl.

He was thinking of rewriting their Mac app in the vein of Timing.app.

1 min read
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Documents 5

Readdle Updates Apps with Drag and Drop

Readdle, maker of apps like Spark Mail App, Documents+, and PDF Expert, has released v6 of their popular iOS apps.

Documents 6 and PDF Expert 6 have gotten a much need facelift.

Inside of these apps, icons are larger and the colors muted to give a more personal feel.

2 min read
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Documents 6

Readdle Updates Apps with Drag and Drop

Readdle, maker of apps like Spark Mail App, Documents+, and PDF Expert, has released v6 of their popular iOS apps.

Documents 6 and PDF Expert 6 have gotten a much need facelift.

Inside of these apps, icons are larger and the colors muted to give a more personal feel.

2 min read
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PDF Expert

Readdle Updates Apps with Drag and Drop

Readdle, maker of apps like Spark Mail App, Documents+, and PDF Expert, has released v6 of their popular iOS apps.

Documents 6 and PDF Expert 6 have gotten a much need facelift.

Inside of these apps, icons are larger and the colors muted to give a more personal feel.

2 min read
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Readdle Updates Apps with Drag and Drop

Readdle, maker of apps like Spark Mail App, Documents+, and PDF Expert, has released v6 of their popular iOS apps.

Documents 6 and PDF Expert 6 have gotten a much need facelift.

Inside of these apps, icons are larger and the colors muted to give a more personal feel.

2 min read
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Apple Keynote

My WWDC 2017 Wish List

I love this time of year.

It’s WWDC season and I usually turn off notifications and non-essential phone calls and texts. I fire up my 3rd Gen Apple TV, sit back on the couch and watch the keynote.

3 min read
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My WWDC 2017 Wish List

I love this time of year.

It’s WWDC season and I usually turn off notifications and non-essential phone calls and texts. I fire up my 3rd Gen Apple TV, sit back on the couch and watch the keynote.

3 min read
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WWDC 2017

My WWDC 2017 Wish List

I love this time of year.

It’s WWDC season and I usually turn off notifications and non-essential phone calls and texts. I fire up my 3rd Gen Apple TV, sit back on the couch and watch the keynote.

3 min read
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drag and drop

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Files app

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On the Virtues of Dark UIs

I wasn’t a dark mode person. When I was programming in Coda 2 on my Mac when I just started doing it, the UI was white. I showed someone a screenshot of it and they joked, “real programmers use dark editors.”

1 min read
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dark UIs

On the Virtues of Dark UIs

I wasn’t a dark mode person. When I was programming in Coda 2 on my Mac when I just started doing it, the UI was white. I showed someone a screenshot of it and they joked, “real programmers use dark editors.”

1 min read
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Transmit 5

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Playlists for Football Fans

I listen to all genres of music but my favorite is alternative rock, metal, and dubstep. Eclectic mix, I know. Here is a playlist I discovered while browsing Spotify for tailgating.

~1 min read
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Playlists for Football Fans

I listen to all genres of music but my favorite is alternative rock, metal, and dubstep. Eclectic mix, I know. Here is a playlist I discovered while browsing Spotify for tailgating.

~1 min read
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Playlists for Football Fans

I listen to all genres of music but my favorite is alternative rock, metal, and dubstep. Eclectic mix, I know. Here is a playlist I discovered while browsing Spotify for tailgating.

~1 min read
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devonthink to go

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PDF to Word Converter for iOS: Review

For businesses and power users who work with a lot of PDFs, converting to and from PDF on iOS can be cumbersome. Going all in on the iPad as a platform means that many people need a powerful app to convert between different formats.

2 min read
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email clients

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Newton Mail

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g suite

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streak crm

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iPhone 8 Plus

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Space Gray

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remote work

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working from home

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On Moving on Up and Smart Homes

I’m sure that you’ve seen that I haven’t posted here for a couple months. In between my internship ending and the abrupt ending of my lease, I have had a pretty stressful couple of months.

1 min read
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smart lights

On Moving on Up and Smart Homes

I’m sure that you’ve seen that I haven’t posted here for a couple months. In between my internship ending and the abrupt ending of my lease, I have had a pretty stressful couple of months.

1 min read
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develop for iOS

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material design

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app affiliate program

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project management

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Fun with Übersicht Widgets

I am a nerd. I am sure everyone who reads this blog is a nerd of some sort. As such, I traipse around the internet looking for Mac setups and desktop screenshots.

1 min read
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Fun with Übersicht Widgets

I am a nerd. I am sure everyone who reads this blog is a nerd of some sort. As such, I traipse around the internet looking for Mac setups and desktop screenshots.

1 min read
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Fun with Übersicht Widgets

I am a nerd. I am sure everyone who reads this blog is a nerd of some sort. As such, I traipse around the internet looking for Mac setups and desktop screenshots.

1 min read
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iPhone Xs

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iPhone Xs Max

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iPhone Xr

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Apple Watch Series 4

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life changes

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health for nerds

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real work

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Apple Music

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news from the web

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oh boy not this

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Things 3

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calendar 366

Review: Calendar 366 for iOS

The champion calendar app amongst nerds is ‎Fantastical 2 and with good reason; the natural language parsing is best in class and the interface is functional. It also offers the best automation of any calendar app available on the App Store.

1 min read
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Automating macOS with iOS and Siri Shortcuts

We can pretty much call Federico Viticci a programmer at this point. He’s become a master of automation in a few short years. This time, he figured out how to script and automate macOS with iOS and Shortcuts. The keys to all this are ssh, Keyboard Maestro, and BetterTouchTool.

4 min read
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iOS automation

Automating macOS with iOS and Siri Shortcuts

We can pretty much call Federico Viticci a programmer at this point. He’s become a master of automation in a few short years. This time, he figured out how to script and automate macOS with iOS and Shortcuts. The keys to all this are ssh, Keyboard Maestro, and BetterTouchTool.

4 min read
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Keyboard Maestro

Automating macOS with iOS and Siri Shortcuts

We can pretty much call Federico Viticci a programmer at this point. He’s become a master of automation in a few short years. This time, he figured out how to script and automate macOS with iOS and Shortcuts. The keys to all this are ssh, Keyboard Maestro, and BetterTouchTool.

4 min read
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Automating macOS with iOS and Siri Shortcuts

We can pretty much call Federico Viticci a programmer at this point. He’s become a master of automation in a few short years. This time, he figured out how to script and automate macOS with iOS and Shortcuts. The keys to all this are ssh, Keyboard Maestro, and BetterTouchTool.

4 min read
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social media

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mental wellness

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Screen Time

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Kindle Paperwhite

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Amazon Kindle

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moving on

Moving On…For Now

Like Katie Floyd but not nearly as popular, I have bigger, better fish to fry. Thanks for reading all these years. I’ll be back, just not any time soon.

1 min read
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other focus

Moving On…For Now

Like Katie Floyd but not nearly as popular, I have bigger, better fish to fry. Thanks for reading all these years. I’ll be back, just not any time soon.

1 min read
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I'll be back

Moving On…For Now

Like Katie Floyd but not nearly as popular, I have bigger, better fish to fry. Thanks for reading all these years. I’ll be back, just not any time soon.

1 min read
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second try

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being who I am

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planning projects

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YNAB Second Impressions

YNAB, or You Need a Budget in its long form, is a budgeting system and software that helps struggling and even savvy budgeters to reign in control of their finances.

3 min read
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YNAB Second Impressions

YNAB, or You Need a Budget in its long form, is a budgeting system and software that helps struggling and even savvy budgeters to reign in control of their finances.

3 min read
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YNAB Second Impressions

YNAB, or You Need a Budget in its long form, is a budgeting system and software that helps struggling and even savvy budgeters to reign in control of their finances.

3 min read
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Go Pack

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everyday carry

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jefferson's kinda thing

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subscription fatigue

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90s prog rock metal sludge is my favorite.

~1 min read
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prog rock


90s prog rock metal sludge is my favorite.

~1 min read
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90s prog rock metal sludge is my favorite.

~1 min read
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personal brands

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indie blogs

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surveillance tech

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amazon echos

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Echo hardware

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crazy ideas

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iPhone 11 Pro Max

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big moments

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making moves

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the 'burbs

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national novel writing month

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Adobe CC

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side hustles

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Christmas shopping

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holiday meal planning

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ipad pro 1st gen

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wall-mounted ipad

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smart apartment

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the joy of giving

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home automation

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new beginnings

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office space

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home sweet home

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bad times

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