I’m Still Here…

If you have been reading my blog for any length of time this year, I have regularly updated it for months until recently.

~1 min read

My WWDC 2017 Wish List

I love this time of year.

It’s WWDC season and I usually turn off notifications and non-essential phone calls and texts. I fire up my 3rd Gen Apple TV, sit back on the couch and watch the keynote.

3 min read

Readdle Updates Apps with Drag and Drop

Readdle, maker of apps like Spark Mail App, Documents+, and PDF Expert, has released v6 of their popular iOS apps.

Documents 6 and PDF Expert 6 have gotten a much need facelift.

Inside of these apps, icons are larger and the colors muted to give a more personal feel.

2 min read

Pick of the Month: Timing 2

When I first came across timing, it was recommended to me by my good friend Nick Lash. We were talking about time tracking apps and his possible employment as an iOS developer for time tracking juggernaut Toggl.

He was thinking of rewriting their Mac app in the vein of Timing.app.

1 min read

App Spotlight: Calibre 3 Beta Now With Retina

You could never chastise me for not reading enough.

I have been reading since I was three years old.

Mom and I weren’t exactly middle class so we would trek to the local library where we’d check out a mountain of books, all of which I’d read in about a week.

3 min read

3 Years An Apple Fangirl

I have been writing about Apple in some form or another for the past two years. Starting as an app blog for non-traditional students, to moving my work over to The Apple Fancast, then back to my blog. I’ve had this thing running just a fraction of the time of other indie blogs and that’s because I didn’t get my first Apple device until October of 2013.

8 min read

Apple Shrinks Affiliate Commissions to 2.5%

Apple has shrunk its Affiliate Program commission from 7% to 2.5%. This makes business sense for Apple: Affiliates most likely don’t generate the kind of revenue that Apple would like. It also doesn’t bring as much traffic to its App Stores.

1 min read
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