Ninja Foodi Smoothie on a Warm Winter Day

Photo Credit: The Salted Pepper

Tiffany White
by Tiffany White
~1 min read

Making a smoothie in this thing is gratifying

I just recently got laid off and while I am sad I wasn’t shocked. It felt like it was going to happen as they couldn’t find me any work.

In times like these, it’s hard to want to keep up healthy eating and exercise and while I struggled to not emotionally eat this past week, I did eat…not well yesterday, eating bacon, medium boiled eggs, and potatoes with cheddar on them and no butter1.

But it’s critical to maintain a healthy lifestyle when stress hits. And things are already looking solid for me on the job front and unemployment is a help.

Ninja Foodi

I mentioned yesterday that I planned on vlogging this journey a bit and I finished the edit to yesterday’s vlog.

It’s fun to shoot and edit and this is great practice. There are some janky jump cuts in the beginning but it evens out in the middle. Solid first effort imo.

  1. Fat anyone? 

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