NaNoWriMo, But for Blogs

Photo by Andrew Neal on Unsplash

Tiffany White
by Tiffany White
~1 min read



from Jeff Perry Blog linking to Shawn Blanc:

Starting today — Friday, November 1 — I’ll be writing and publishing something every day for the whole month of November.

Though, instead of writing a novel in a month, I will be simply be focused on publishing something — anything — every single day. From photos, links to interesting things, articles, reviews, etc.

And apparently this is a thing.


Jeff writes:

I also have been thinking about doing this as well, so I guess if Shawn is doing this I am going to do it too.

Well this is NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month where novelists write 50,000 words1 in one month.

I no longer write fiction so the idea of writing a blog post everyday for a month2 is appealing.

So I declare today NaNoBlogMo. Or something.

  1. Often terrible words. 

  2. This post was started at 11:45pm 11/01 and is still being written 12 am 11/02. 

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