Back...But with Caveats
Tiffany White
by Tiffany White
2 min read



It is pretty late right now but I have been thinking about this blog for a while lately. I enjoyed writing here. I guess, burnout and depression are real.

I am older now and my health should be really really important to me. And now it is. I decided that hustling till I am burned out for weeks is something I literally can’t afford to do.

I don’t code on weekends anymore, outside of one challenge at freeCodeCamp to keep up my streak.

Weekend blogging

I code and work on things pretty much during the week until about 9 or 10pm. I then read and head to bed. I decided I like reading on my iPad Pro again.

MapleRead is just too good and this iPad way too beautiful to ignore.

For this blog and my other hobby blogs, there is no pressure to actually write to them. Of course, everyone wants to build traffic, and as Gabe Weatherhead of Macdrifter said in one of his latest blog posts:

Sites like Macdrifter run on ego . I love recognition from readers and other writers.



I’ve taken up photography again, mobile and mirrorless alike. I started a photo portfolio just for fun. I am not great at it. Yet. I was doing it more years ago and was awful at it. I’ve improved a bit and plan on trying to get out more on photo walks.

Canon M100
My old camera was over 10 years old. This is so much better. Still getting used to it, but I am in love with it. This is the kind of quality you get with a camera like this, something an iPhone can't produce and probably never will.

Electronics Hobby

I love working with my hands; I’ve put my own furniture together, built and improvised on random circuit experiments. So I stocked up on electronics components like Arduinos, a Raspberry Pi1, ICs2, transistors, resistors, switches, servo motors. You name it I have it3. I have an assortment of tools that I use.

Because I like building things and DIY, I decided I’d work on a robot kit and other projects during the weekend. This has been really fun and I plan on working on it more today.

My "lab"
Bottom shield of the robot car and attached motors

Plans for That Mac Nerd

I have some archived ideas I plan on writing about so look for that. I may reactivate my Twitter account as well. So watch this space.

  1. I have two of those and like 6 different Arduino boards ha. 

  2. Integrated Circuits, some regular and some programmable. 

  3. Bought a proper soldering station as well. 

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