On Moving on Up and Smart Homes

I’m sure that you’ve seen that I haven’t posted here for a couple of months.

In between my internship ending and the abrupt ending of my lease, I have had a pretty stressful couple of months.

It’s been hell actually.

Long story short, I had to leave Pittsburgh for a bit and move back close to my hometown which really puts me at a disadvantage job wise: this area is technically barren and lags behind current trends, and I am also locked into a year lease.

Luckily for me there are plenty of remote opportunities and a company that asked me to apply to them again once I got more experience in web development.

The internship allowed me to save enough money to move into my dream place. It is super nice and super cheap. This place could go for so much more but I am glad it is what it is.

New Office Space

The internship also allowed me to upgrade my desk/office space:

Rocking dual monitors is key for developer productivity and all the rest is gravy. The monitor isn’t pretty but the matte 4k screen is pretty nice.

Smart Things

I bought a set of LIFX lights and a LIFX LED strip, another Echo but this time an Echo Dot. I am still cleaning things up and putting things together but I am having fun with the smart home stuff as evidenced here:

That’s All For Now

It’s pretty damn late and I am about to crash. Just wanted to get something up on the blog.

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