Cometdocs was gracious enough to provide me with a full review copy of PDF to Word Converter. Note: this does not affect my review.

For businesses and power users who work with a lot of PDFs, converting to and from PDF on iOS can be cumbersome. Going all in on the iPad as a platform means that many people need a powerful app to convert between different formats.

There are several apps that can do this. One in particular is PDF to Word Converter by Cometdocs.

It is free to try but there are three IAP. One is for lifetime unlimited access to the fast conversion for $9.99. The second is for linking of services, which is not clear what that means, for $1.99. For using for a business, you have to pay another $49.99.

Using the App

Upon opening the app, you are greeted with the following screens:

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You are presented with a lot of cloud and local options, as well as the ability to add from the web.

This view, unfortunately, does not rotate to landscape, which is how I use my iPad.

The design is clean but unwieldy.

Connecting a cloud provider is simple yet searching for your documents isn’t.

There is no search option so if you have a lot of folders and documents stored in Dropbox, it is hard to actually find them. The folders and documents aren’t sorted in alphabetical order, and there are no sort options available.

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Conversion with the fast conversion is fairly quick, but if you have graphics of any kind, the Word conversion is extremely poor.


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[caption id=”attachment_2355” align=”aligncenter” width=”845”]<a href=”



[caption id=”attachment_2353” align=”aligncenter” width=”584”]<a href=”




Converting PDFs with no graphics works fine though there are some formatting issues.

[caption id=”attachment_2357” align=”aligncenter” width=”584”]<a href=”

Worth It?

Currently it is not worth the amount of money you must pay to do such rudimentary things. The formatting with graphics is awful, and I will give the devs credit: that’s a hard thing to get right. But when you are charging $52 for an app that is supposed to suit the needs of professionals, this app is sorely lacking.

I have reached out to the developers to let them know that it needs work. A lot of work. Here’s hoping they can improve and iterate quickly. The market may become more crowded with iOS 11, and $52 for what they are offering won’t cut it.

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