1 min read



<img class=”size-large wp-image-703 aligncenter” src=” I am trying to remember this:

You are not a machine.

Working late into the night, working on weekends: it’s killing us.

We’re unhealthy. We don’t take time to exercise and eat right and how could we? There’s just no time. From emails, Slack messages, crises at work, staying late at the office, time is a lost commodity.

But there’s hope.

Setting Yourself Up for Success By Saying “Yes” to You

You should be the focus of everything you do.

[Tweet “You should be the focus of everything you do.”] Taking care of your body is only going to give you more energy to get things done.

Sleeping seven to eight hours a night and going to bed at a reasonable time can help you focus and ready to start your day. There’s nothing worse than being sleep deprived. Your eyes glaze over and you can’t focus.

Exercise releases endorphins that make you feel happy and alive. I know when I come out of the gym, I feel incredible. I am trying to lose weight and get fit. The more I push myself to exercise the better I feel about myself. I have more confidence I have to tackle any of the school/work/life problems. Endorphins matter that much.

Eating healthy is super important to feeling good, as well. When we put good foods in our system, they fuel us and give our brains much needed energy.

Learn to Say No To Others

I struggle with this. I say yes to a lot, as someone who is in school and trying to get ahead in life faster than I did when I was younger. I would go to school, drop out, go back in an attempt to keep relationships. I was struggling with self-confidence.

Today, I have learned to say no to a lot of projects that have come my way. Saying no to other commitments, you’re signaling to others that your time is valuable. This will boost self-confidence and lead others to respect your time.

You Matter

Remember this. If you allow yourself to let others influence your behavior, you compromise your well-being.

[Tweet “Remember this. If you allow yourself to let others influence your behavior, you compromise your well-being.”]

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